
I am really depressed

I am depressed now.
here is a story.

There was a likely chance to get a job. The team manager JS in EC21 recommended I and BK to have interview chances there. We both had a interview and our manager said to each of us that he would hand out our resumes to the boss. The thing remained was to wait for calling from EC21.

Some days passed, I heard BK got a call. He asked me whether I recieved calling from EC21 or not. I didn't get a call at all. Eventually, BK passed the last interview with the boss and is waiting the day of being a officer.

This is the reason that makes me depressed. Actually, there might be no reason making me feel blue. But I have bad feeling about me of not having that chance. I feel like I am lonely and I am doing something wrong.

I played computer games for many hours to make me feel better. It's really dumb way to release my stress. To solve my problem, I wasted time....


Give me the energy..
Plz raise me up...

What should I do?


to get a higher score of TOEIC

That is the goal of this month for me.
To get a job, I need to get the score of 930 at least.

I have 10 days. I am gonna try to think in English as much as possible.
And To improve English skill, being exposed to English is essential.

1. I will do a free practice test provided by Hackers a day.
2. I will listnen to Steve Hatherly Show everyday.

Okay. Let's go!


like a dream for 2 months

I was Tokyo for 6 days during last weekdays for a exhibition of TIGW(Tokyo international gift show).

come on to my facebook and find me". My name is Jaekyun Lee".
You already know, a picture can be better than listnening 10 times.